May 28, 2010 16:22
Being an adult blows. Not because you suddenly have adult responsibilities, not because you have to get a job, and pay bills. (Well, alright, that does blow, but at least it becomes the norm after a while.)
...Not even because you look like a giant idiot running out to the ice cream truck hoping to get a popsicle in the shape of the Pink Panther's head.
Being an adult blows because you drift away from all of the people you knew when you were twelve. You suddenly have nothing in common.
You might not even realize that you're losing them as it's happening. One day, you realize they're not there anymore, that you haven't talked to them in months, or years.
I miss the friends I had when I was twelve. I miss our conversations. They were the best friends I've ever had and probably ever will have. And it will most likely never be the same again.