Jan 06, 2003 19:33
I got off work early yesterday due to lack of business so I decided to give L. a call. We chatted for about 45 minutes about this and that before deciding to catch a flick. Intending to see Adaptation, we got to the theater about 20 minutes late and saw Catch Me If You Can instead. The theater is one of those new ones with the steep incline and make-out seats with the retractable armrests. We sat in the back. Halfway through the movie I laid my hand on her knee and she put hers on mine. We held hands throughout the movie and afterwards were decidedly closer. Between the theater and Dave N Buster's I gave her a little kiss. It was quick. We were just talking and it happened fast. There was almost no break in the conversation, in fact I think we were talking in the middle of it. Neither of us even commented on it. Just natural, you know? The Barcade, Dave N Buster's, is just down the way from the theater so we stopped in to play a few games. She kicked my ass at skee-ball and the snowmobile racing game. With our skee-ball tickets we purchased a superball and rubber snake, cheap toys, but we pretended they were fantastic prizes. After a while we went back to her place. She invited me in to meet her cat, Rothead. Don't laugh, she named him when she was six. He got the name because he nervously scratches his face with his claws causing scabs to form on his jowls. He's cute, nonetheless. Rothead was a little test for me. I guess he had to like me or I failed the test. I passed though. We sat in her living room (which is actually her bedroom, I don't know what she uses the ACTUAL bedroom for) and got to know eachother a little better, conversationaly. Before long we were rolling around on the floor with our clothes still on. She's a great kisser, and said I was too. Things got pretty heavy and I figured to leave her that way, so I carefully extracted myself from the situation. I could tell she wanted me to stay over, but it's a little soon for that. Ultimately, if we don't click as I would like, it will be easier to let it go if we haven't had sex. On the other hand, if things do work out, the anticipation will have been built up making it just that much better. Time is on my side in either case. Also, I rather enjoy the sex role-reversal of making her wait. It was about 2am when I left. We said goodbye about 10 times before I actually stepped out the door. I really didn't want to go. Tomorrow I'm going to invite her to Emily's for our Osbourne night. Which reminds me, I have to give her a call and set that up...