Well we got down here around four yesterday afternoon and our room wasn't ready, so we went to Bayou Bills and had some dinner. We got moved in around six and I took a test and watched Epic Movie (which was neither particularly good nor particularly funny).
We had lunch at Fudpucker's and our waiter was pretty cute. Now I'm sitting on the balcony (again) listening to the waves (still) and wishing I had a telephoto lens with me.
(Forgive the photos; my laptop doesn't do so hot in sunlight, so my color correction is the pits right now)
I've also fashioned this image depicting an example of amusing Fudpucker's customer graffiti.
It appears that Melissa wasn't completely honest, so annotations were apparently needed for further clarification.
*sigh* Okay, I guess I'll go read a chapter for Business Communications now. Shitty.