Well I spent New Year's Eve in Conway with Joran and drank a bit... had a good time. There were an unbelievable number of statements that I wish I could remember, but I can only come up with a few:
- [after opening a Disney Princess Pinata]
Mary: "Save all the KY Jelly for me!" - James: "Honey, take off those heels!"
Chase: "My feet are cold!"
Came home New Year's Day, pretty much just hung out around the house.
- [Scene: Mom sampling a brownie/vanilla/pudding/cool-whip/heath-bar-sprinkled-on-top dessert]
Mom (to me): "Oh yeah, this is good. You want some?"
(I lean in as she pulls the spoon back)
Mom: "Well get your own spoon!"
Me: "You're so mean."
Jordan (getting a spoon out): "I want some..."
Jordan (after taking a bite and making a face): "Is there heath bar in this?"
Mom (pointing at the bowl): "I don't know, is there heath-bar in this?"
Jordan: "Oh."
Mom: "Daaaaamn, it almost bit you!"
Over the past one to two weeks I have been watching a minimum of three episodes of Scrubs every night. It's kind of sad when you actually use the satellite search function to find all instances of a show's reruns, compare simultaneously playing episodes to decide which you wish to see, and set up between one and three hours of autotuned channels. Yeah, I 've got problems.
And that's about it. I installed chin-up bars for the girls today, and yes, I used JB-Weld in my construction. We took the cat to the vet and he wasn't happy about it. I haven't heard those kind of animalistic noises since I was in Conway the other day... (I'm just kidding, baby... I love you!)