Graduate School aka "OH DEAR GOD PICK ME!!!"

Dec 07, 2011 03:57


Applied to California State University Los Angeles
               California State University Long Beach
               California State University San Diego
               California State University San Bernadino
               California State University Northridge
               University of New Mexico

The second wave of places im going to apply to (once I have ~70 dollars for each app + transcripts)

University of Arizona
                Utah State University
                Portland State University
                Colorado State University

I really hope that one from the first set lets me into their MFA program. Because currently I don't have the money to push into attepting to get into the other schools. $280 is alot of money for me...

Ill know by the time in California if I got into any of them...I figure that once I go down there I am gonna want to do something to de-stress. Ill have for the first time a form of transportation so that means I could go anywhere.  a Motorcycle ride down a long dirt road. Could be fun.

Ive never had the ability to chose when and where I want to go. Something that people usually experince around 17-19 ...I get to experince it at... 27-28... Better late than never right?
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