On 9/7, I had a very, very bad feeling about work (more like a sudden wave of "ick") and decided that it was no longer a good idea to be there anymore. When I went back to work on 9/8, I informed my managers that I was quitting. Hours after I did, I found out that the company is going to completely restructure itself and that this will go into effect next month. I just learned from
evilben some of the Bad Stuff that will happen when they do and I am relieved that I won't be there to suffer through it. They are going to require the full-time employees to work both weekend days, no exceptions. If I did that, I would never see the kids. We only have them on the weekends. I would just be that chick their dad lives with whom they never see, and that would suck.
This just strengthens my faith in my instincts and further convinces me that I should follow them without question because they have never, ever led me wrong. In fact, bad things happen when I don't listen to my bad feelings. My gut told me to get out of there without me having any idea about the bad joojoo about to happen.
That'sagoodlittlegutinstinctyesitis. *pets*