May 14, 2005 01:42
Well i haven't wrote in this in a while. Well turns out when i was in SCSI i meet my boyfriend. Obviously i didn't know at the time but he's SOOO sweet. God well like we were talking for almost 2 weeks and then Thursday May 12 during 1st lunch Alvaro asked me out. It's really funny but like his friends all call me a rocker and like they think it's weird since he listens to nothing but rap. But if you really get to know me then you relize i don't care what kind of music someone listens to, cause like i don't talk to the person for the music, i talk to them... FOR THEM!! lol, so like i don't care if he listened to Country i would still feel the same about him as i do now. Like, lol, i went into this huge debate with some people cause like i don't get why theres this huge seperation with the "rockers" & "gangsters". Ya we listen to different music and might dress alittle different, but we all eat the same, sleep the same, get fucked up the same, and love the same so i don't see why there has to have a seperation. We're all people, and we don't talk to eachother for the music but for the personalities.
So anyways, Another thing. Today was a show that me and David were hosting and i was so fucking ready for it. and my grandparents were ready to let me go then like the whole april thing happened then, even tho david had nothing to do with it, they didn't want me "socializing" with him. Which made absolutely no sense to me. So like i dunno what to think but that pissed me the fuck off. So like the party probably just ended but there was 2 kegs, all the bud you could dream of, and like all my best friends were there and like if i went Alvaro would have too. Fucked up! i just wanna like fucking cuss them out and leave. and it's really funny. i just relized that it is easy as fuck to just leave my house once my family is asleep. hehe, cause like Alvaro, kevin, and one other kid wanted to come over cause it was the kids birthday.. but my grandparents are being bitchs and hid the fone... so what i did was i went down to my lobby and like asked the security if i could use his phone cause like hes old and cool and like i'll sneak out and he doesn't say shit. So like i go down and call alvaro's fone and it goes straight to answering machine which means he's rather on the phone or it died earlier when we were on it for like 2 hours... so i dunno. But i'll see him tomarrow so i guess no complaining out of me.
Well i'm gonna go cause if i keep typing this is gonna be long as fuck... Night night everyone