Wow. First day on the new job, and I went home close to tears.
Mostly due to frustration, but still...
It was freezing. They said they would have a shirt and a hoodie there for me, and so I dressed light. They had neither. It was a balmy 45 degrees in there. All day. Even the dogs were shivering.
My coworkers turn into lazy POSs soon as the boss leaves. I had to interrupt their phone calls to find out what I'm supposed to be doing...and boy did they ever treat it like an inconvenience.
I'm fairly certain some one went through my purse. One of the employee's dogs clearly pissed on it, and while I'd like to believe my bag was open because they were cleaning it up, it wasn't really cleaned up. But my bag was opened. And it just made me uneasy.
Got lost on the way home, in the rain, thanks to St Louis's tendency to not post interstate signs anywhere but on the damned on ramps.
Woo. So looking forward to going through all that again today.
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