Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your journal, and give out some letters of your own. Let me know if you want a letter.
I got the letter D from
janusmzeal 1. Ditdanai Tiyapongpitak
2. Dinner
3. Dryer fresh clothes
4. Dick
5. Dreams
6. Drama-free days
7. Darco (ask if you must)
8. Distractions
9. Delirium* (the Endless formerly known as Delight)
10. Dallying
*"Despa-air has a bo-oy friend,
Bo-oy friend,
Bo-oy friend!
Despa-air has a bo-oy friend,
I say so 'cuz I'm the BOOOM!"