Fic! One liners

May 06, 2009 04:22

Celebrating the end of school! NO MORE FRENCH EVER! WHOOOOO!! The next chapter of Song is giving me hell so I'm taking a cue from greeneyespurple and sunsetdawn and doing 100 one-line prompts about Rose. I love summer!!!!!!

One Sentence Prompts
Characters: Rose, Andrew, Goldie, Robert Gillette, Cutler mentioned
Rated: PG to R
Warnings: Character death, implication


She has her memories, the four of them together and happy, but sometimes she truly believes they’re only the desperate fantasies of a woman gone mad.


Goldie is snappish and tired when her courses are running, and Rose realizes she herself hasn’t bled since the basement and the old woman holding the stick.


Andrew dies, she doesn’t say her own name again for years.


She stands on the barracks of Fort Charles, the salt she tastes on the breeze the tear-stained kiss of the one she’s lost.


“Da!” she cries, dashing down the dusty path and leaping into Robert’s crushing embrace, feeling the scratch of his beard against her face.

rose, love, cranky, together, last, prompts, kiss, one sentence

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