Character Interviews Meme

Sep 03, 2008 01:42

Erik-The Phantom of the Opera


Rose-OC (Pirates of the Caribbean)

Burrs-The Wild Party

James-Pirates of the Caribbean


How old are you?

Erik: Er…petite, how did we end up working this out? Thirty…six or something?

Angel: Oh come on hon, that qualifies as a beauty secret ::winks::

Erik: She’s immortal.

::Angel hits Erik::

Be chill, both of you, please.

Angel: ::laughing:: Relax baby, I was just kidding. I’m 21.

James: I don’t know if that’s a proper thing to say…

Rose: Oh James, don’t be such a prim old woman! He’s thirty three. And I’m twenty four. Going on about a hundred.

Angel: And yet you could bounce a dime off the girl’s ass.

Rose: Good old Irish starvation.

Burrs: Thirty six. God, when did I get old?

Ah Burrs you could outlive a lightning strike. What about you Evan?

Evan: I’m twenty.

What’s your height?

Erik: Six foot.

Angel: Five nine in heels so my real height doesn’t count.

James: Six feet and two inches.

Rose: As tall as Cutler.

Burrs: Five eleven.

Rose: With six inches being prick.

James: Rose!

Burrs: Haha! Yea I wish. Rose, swear to God one day my girl’s gonna kill you.

Rose: Only if I fuck you and I won’t. So I’m safe.

I’m not hearing this

Erik: ::mumbling to Angel:: Just because he is one, doesn’t mean he has one.

MOVING ON! Evan please answer, love.

Evan: I’m…blushing. ::laughs softly:: I’m five nine. B-but I don’t wear heels, sorry Angel.

Angel: Ah it’s an acquired taste. You’re beautiful anyway.

Are you a virgin?

::Erik and the Authoress share a fleeting look.::

Erik: ::whispering:: No.

Angel: Not since I was fourteen.

James: Of course I’m not.

Rose I’m not even going to ask.

Rose: Definitely no use in stating the obvious here, darling.

Burrs: Berries, baby, come on you know I’m not.

Shut up, Burrs. That’s ancient history.

Burrs: You brought it up.

Erik: ::growls::

Evan: C-can I please skip this question? Please?

Yes, puppy of course you can. Let’s move on. Do you have any kids?

Erik: Well I think it’s fair to say James and I have adopted Nadine as our own wouldn’t you, Norrington?

James: ::laughing:: Indeed, I’m afraid so.

Angel: Oh we all have.

Evan: True story.

Erik: But no, no I don’t suppose the Phantom of the Opera would be a good father figure.

Aw, Erik, you have me. Angel?

Angel: I consider it my job to take care of anybody who should need it. Maybe one day Collins and I will have a child of our own.

Evan: Angel would make an excellent mom.

Angel: ::hugs Evan:: Mm!

James: I should very much like to…Someday…A man craves a son.

Rose: I…Well I was pregnant once…When I first started in the trade. Goldie helped me take care of it. I doubt my body could do it.

James: ::glances at Rose::

Rose: Oh God, James don’t.

Burrs: Ha, no. And don’t you go giving Queenie ideas.

Aw Burrs, you’d be a great daddy I think.

Burrs: My turn now Berries, shut up.

Erik: I pity that child.

Burrs: And you too!

Evan: No kids, but um, I have a cat…

What’s your favorite food?

Erik: Anything to be eaten with one hand.

Agreed. ::Erik and Liv high five::

Angel: Anorexic vampires.

Oh yea Ang, because you’re so not a rail. What’s yours?

Angel: Huevos rancheros.

James: Is coffee considered a food?

Rose: Oh don’t ask him he’s the same way. I, on the other hand eat like a horse. No favorites, everything here is bloody fantastic.

Burrs: Steak. Still mooing.

Evan: Hmm…I dunno. Peanut butter sandwiches I think.

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

Erik: Lemon ice

Angel: Neapolitan

James: Vanilla bean

Rose: Oh I’ll take anything.

Burrs: Chocolate

Evan: Pistachio

Have you ever killed anyone?

Erik: Move on, petite dear.

Angel: Someone gave me a death sentence just by loving my body, Livvy. I wouldn’t do that to anyone.

James: Not because I wanted to, dear lady.

Rose: Not yet. But don’t count me out.

Burrs: Um…I think we both know how that turned out, sweets.

Evan: N-n-no.

Do you hate anyone?

Erik: It’ll take too long to list them all.

Rose: For once the ghost and I agree on somethin’.

Angel: Hatred’s bad for the soul.

Evan: I agree.

James: The French-except you Erik of course.

Erik: Oh of course.

Burrs: Ah…not at present. Everyone in showbusiness.

Burrs, you love show business.

Burrs: That’s right I love show business, I’ll go either way.

Have any secrets?

Erik: I’m the Opera Ghost, Olivia.

Angel: What Collins and I get up to between the sheets is totally classified. Unlike some people I could mention. ::Looks at Burrs and Rose::

Rose: Quit that eyeballing, you!

Burrs: She’s just jealous.

Angel: Of you, clown? Bitch please.

Rose: You know all the things I don’t want told, Liv.

Evan: That’s right. You keep us safe.

Burrs: If you don’t have all mine now, wait for our next party, Berries.

Oh Lord…James?

James: Miss Mammone, please…

No you please, Liv. Liv, Liv, Liv! Olivia at the very least. All right you know what, let’s go forward. Do you love anyone?

Erik: My petite fantome, of course.

Rose: ::snorts ::

Erik: ::softly:: Excuse me?


Angel: Collins more than life itself. And all my peeps. I has a lot of love to go around.

For which I am eternally grateful, honey. No doubt. Rose?

Rose: They’re all dead now.

James: ::pinching his nose:: Rose, please.

Rose: What? And don’t you dare say it James.

James: But…fine.

Burrs: Queenie, course.

Evan: Everybody here I think.

Boy or girl?

Erik: Devil, ghost, angel…man. Take your pick.

Angel: Just myself, baby.

Rose: Woman, or can’t you tell?

James: That’s…you do know don’t you?

Burrs: Clown. As you say, kid, I defy all other classification.

Damn straight.

Evan: Boy.

What do you do to relax?

Erik: Create.

Angel: Go out and play the streets with my drums.

Rose: To respond in kind: Patrick

Oh God…He’s relaxing? I’d hate to see you under stress.

James: Who?

Rose: Nobody, Jamie darlin’.

Burrs: Drink and then fall asleep. Or read now, thank you Liv.

Evan: Play piano, read, watch movies. Or listen to Elton John.

James, what do you do?

James: I find the music of this age to be most gratifying actually.

What do you think your life expectancy is?

Erik: I have no idea. Hopefully not overly long.

Angel: No day but today, honey, I don’t deal in expectancy.

Rose: Significantly longer than it was a year ago, that’s for damn certain.

James: ::coughing:: Rose. Well, one can never really tell can they?

Burrs: I have the means to live the rest of my life in health and comfort provided I die on Thursday.

Evan: I…um…wow. A, a, a long t-time, I hope.

What’s your favorite song?

Erik: An impossible question of course, my darling.

Angel: Oh man, Erik might be right. Um…Anything by Phil Collins.

Rose: Oh hands down, “Siren” by Tori Amos.

James: “Stolen” by Dashboard Confessional

Brava, James!

Burrs: “I Am A Town” by Mary Carpenter

That’s one of my favorites too you know. And I know what Evan’s answer is, don’t I, puppy?

Evan: “Your Song” Elton John.

Of course. And on that note boys and girls do we depart. Thank you all for cooperating and um, not killing each other. Rose, love, I do believe your presence is required.

::Rose turns and in the doorway, half hidden is a man.::

Rose: Well fucking finally!

Erik: Dear God in heaven…

Burrs: ‘Atta girl, Rose.

James: Who…? Rose, who is that?

Rose: Nobody you know.

James: Well obviously.

Rose: It’s been fun, everybody, but now I gotta go make some money.

Not in my bed this time, you hear me?

Erik and James: What?!

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