Title: Vein
Rating: A moderate pg-13
Characters: James, OC, Rose, Elizabeth mentioned
Word Count: 445
Summary: Flowers do not bleed...he could find honor in that.
Disclaimer: I own nothing that looks familiar
Author's Note: My answer to Telera's challange. She wanted to know about the hibiscus James gives Rose at the end of "Past" As with everything I
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"Only Lord Beckett hurt him enough, punished him enough to wash the stains clean. With his hands white and soft as these petals he broke James slowly."
I am absolutely in love with this part. It's so DMC James, you can't see it on the surface, he seems hardened and callous but inside... And I really love this... thing... between James and Rose, especially here. "He would plant a love for her, foster it with gentle care. It would grow. It could consume him. He could find goodness, honor in that. She wouldn’t even have to love him back." Truly wonderful ending. You're made of awesome, you know that?
And of course, it's called fan vid, right? I'm a fan of your fic. :) Actually I'm planning to re-read all of it once I'm ready with my exams. And I have an awesome song for that video. I won't tell you, though. It's a surprise. It's bad enough I told you about the vid itself. And of course I still need to get hold of Bands of New York... lol
I find myself slowly being itched by the Barbossabeth ship, it never made a whle lot of sense to me but the more I watch the films the more I see evidence for it. (Although it could just be that I think Lizzie's a slut and can see her with nearly everyone except like...Gibbs.)
It's funny, I actually think Sparrabeth is hard to do. I made one and it took like forever. I think it's just because I don't know the footage as well as Norribeth and I don't really care enough to practice with it
And thanks so much, but first I'll try to find the movie, I'm sure it won't be that difficult. This is a good excuse to actually watch it. :)
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