Jul 06, 2004 10:15
O1. Starting time: 10:15 AM
O2. Name: Holly Brierley
O3. Nicknames: hol
O4. School: king edward's 6th form college *its a mouthfull*
O5. E-mail address: beachezncreem@hotmail.com
O6. Eyes: green and orange by the black bit
O7. Height: 5'8 :-/
O8. Siblings: jak bro 20
O9. Been drunk before: yeyah
1O. Ever cheated or been cheated on: yup
11. Ever missed school because it was raining: nope
12. Set any body part on fire for amusement: yeyah
13. Kept a secret from everyone: yeyah
14. Had an imaginary friend: yeyah, she's upstairs sleeping.. shh....
15. Wanted to hook up with a friend: yeyah!!!!
16. Cried during a flick: nope
17. Had a crush on a teacher: um no lol
18. Had a crush on animated characters: no
19. Ever owned a "new kids on the block" tape: nah
2O. Ever prank called someone: yeyah
21. Been on stage: yeyah
22. Favorite shampoo: sunsilk
23. Favorite color: ORAAAAANNNNGEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
24. Summer or winter: summer
25. Online: obsessed with it.
26. Lace, silk or satin: silk
27. Have a crush on anyone: yeyah, dont we all?
28. Who have you known the longest of your friends: harriet, 13 years!
29. Who’s the loudest friend?: gotta b mayan haha
3O. Who’s the shyest: harriet
31. Who do you go to for advice: fefi, mayan, breena, april, jenny, everyone really
32. Who do you get along with: mostly everyone.. within reason
In the last two weeks have you...
33. Cried: yeyah
34. Been mean: probably
35. Been sarcastic: alll the fuckin time, goddammit i hate you guys :-D
36. Met someone new: yeyah, about 1199 ppl at school!
37. Talked to someone you have a crush on: yeyah
38. Missed someone: yer, everyone in america, much <3 thugs
39. Hugged someone: yeyah!
4O. Fought with your parent(s): oh yer, thats big in the household now
41. Wished upon a star: no :(
42. Watched a sunrise/sunset: they dont have them here, the air is too polluted and it blocks out the sun haha
43. Laughed until you've cried: negative
44. Went to the beach at night: FUCK NO!!! argh :(
45. Read a book for fun: noooo, books = satan
46. Ate a meal: um of course
47. Are you lonely: nah im ok
48. Are you happy: fa sho sometimes, but not always
49. Are you talking to someone online: nope
do you believe in...
5O. God & the devil: nooooo
51. Love: yes
52. The closet monster: no
53. The big bang theory: negative
54. Heaven & hell: when i see my dad walk in the room i see biezelbub, soo yes??
55. Hot or cold: hot
56. Sad or happy movies: happy
57. Go to or skip school assemblies: go to, then make fun of EVERYTHING
58. Backstreet boys or *Nsync: nsync!
59. When was the last time you showered: yesterday
6O. What was the last thing that you said when you were online: wake up hos
61. What is right next to you: window
62. What is your computer desk made of: fake wood i think, who knows
63. What was the last thing that you ate: toast, that I made! muahaha
64. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: wagga wagga OR india
66. How’s the weather: sunnyyyyy with cloud cover
67. What did you do last night: booked a train ticket, then slept
68. Things that you find attractive about the opposite sex: clothes, HAIR, lol, hip muscles when they stick out, nice calf muscles!!
69. How do YOU eat an Oreo: hahaha loryn your answer was so funny!! i take them apart and eat the icing, then giv the two other bits 2 the dog.
7O. all-time favorite TV show: gotta by that 70s' show
71. Dream car?: 76' tempest, or a toyota tacoma, old and beat up
72. What do you want to be when you grow up: satellite imagerist
73. Favorite music: rock/punk/punk covers/occasional rap when im feeling angry
74. Favorite food: pasta
75. Favorite days of the week: friday saturday
76. What is a hot job for the opposite sex: surfer.
77. What color is your bedroom: white, with m uch orange
78. If you could change your name what would it be: skyla
79. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: negative
8O. The most stupid thing you ever done: too many of them
81. First son's name: oliver
82. Wife/husband: matrimony, so my name can be holly matrimony hahah like "holy matrimony" ya no??
83. First daughter's name: skyla
84. Favorite drink: slurpeeeeee
85. Scary or funny movies: funnny
86. In the phone or in person: phone, well unless its something like sex, then not on the phone lol thats just wierd
87. Lust or love: les deux.
88. If you could change something about yourself what would it be: my hips, they got fat lol
89. Do you consider cheerleading a sport: oh fuck off
9O. Do you have pets: not any mo
91. Who sent this survey to you: LORYN! YOU SATAN! hahah luv ya really
92. What do you think about this person: she coooooooo!!!
93. What is your favorite song of all time: good charlotte-seasons, DONT HATE ME
94. Do you want your friends to do this survey: YES OMG DO IT MY LIFE THRIVES OFF THESE SURVEYS PLEEEEASE DO ITTTT!!!! you wont!!
95. Time finished: 10:27PM