Jul 24, 2011 23:27
I'm reaching the first 25,000 words. I think this is my giving-up-point - nothing I've written outside of NaNoWriMo has gone very much past 25k. There must be some kind of barrier here, some little switch in my brain that goes 'okay you've done enough, now it's time to wallow in how terrible this is and lose hope and momentum and start something new'.
Well, not this time buddy.
Yeah, this time I have a schedule. I've got to finish 100k by December and I'll be damned if I give up on this thing before it's done - even if I have moments where I wonder why the hell I'm writing something so dead boring, with characters flatter than a cardboard cutout and half developed settings and a fly-by-night plot. Because it's okay, the next novel will be plenty exciting. I just have to get this one out first.
Anyway this was my self-motivational post for the year & now I can get on with my life. I'm just over 20k now and getting back into the story. Switching POVs livens things up a bit, allows for some more exposition and tentative building of characters. This will be a short part, then it's back to the main character, then away to a new POV.
No dreams today, just lots of writing stuff.