May 15, 2011 12:03
I am kind of failing to keep this up, the biggest reason being I joined for LJ fandoms and am too busy with life/original fics to be a big part of them. It's kind of annoying and silly because I started out very enthusiastic about having fandoms/communities with whom I shared interests, but I'm seriously not a social person even online. It's like, two weeks of HEY YEAH LET'S DO THIS and then I become a hermit-turtle again.
And I kind of have a short attention span when it comes to fandoms, I love them for a while right after I've found them but as the memory of the movie/show/book/whatever loses its brilliance I can't seem to keep up the love. IDK what's wrong with me srsly ;___; i have a short attention span.
Anyway I have one graphic novel project vaguely in mind, which is going to mostly sit around this summer but the characters are at least there in my head. It'll be nice to have something to draw on off-days anyway when I'm like 'I want to do something but what??'
Also have an actual novel project which I am working on & it is going swimmingly now that I'm back at school, I can do the whole sit on bus, write, obsess over whether or not people are reading your screen. At least this one has no sex scenes in it hurrah, awkwardness averted.
First week of school was cool, but I'm going to hate calculus like 1000x more when midterms come around. Not that I don't hate it already because apparently I suck at math and don't know basic algebra. I'm not kidding, the last time I did math was about three years ago and I don't remember any of it. This is stuff that I need for calculus. I have to look into extra credit or something because as I'm trying to do my very basic, first-chapter&review homework I just feel like hitting my head on the table. Why did I go into sciences DERP. I bet I could take statistics without a whit of calculus! (Okay that's a lie. But still.) I really don't want to take Math 100 but maybe I should? I failed the diagnostic test for calculus pretty badly. SIGH oh well life goes on, at least my other classes are good.
Okay enough ranting for today. Next time will be more optimistic, hurrah.