More luggage tagging.
A better proportioned but less accurate sketch of John. (I tried, but tbh he looks more like Jude Law than Martin Freeman. D: That's what I get for not using refs.) Also I found out that the IBM supercomputer that won Jeopardy is called "Watson" about halfway through drawing robot!Watson. And I was like "OH YOU DON'T SAY."
John keeps taking your mug to make tea but that's okay because it's a silly thing, it's got pink lettering and it came in the mail last Christmas with a pair of panties stuffed in it (probably from Moriarty, the little bum-bandit) - and clearly John finds it threatening or he wouldn't keep doing that damn thing with his tongue every time he drank his tea in order to remind you exactly why you keep him around -
Okay I'll shut it, here's the picture. (: