If any of you love me or the manga xxxholic, go check out one of my entries for the
holicminibang. It's called Pearls That Were Her Eyes, and seeing as it ate my brain for the past how many months, it's in need of some serious love:
Part One.
Part Two.
The short view of Pearls: "A cranky spider monarch. The chick who ate the Little Mermaid. Definitely not a match made in any Shintoist idea of heaven. Featuring haiku, witty servants, baby-eating priests, ornamental fish ponds, and fluffy angst. Really though, it's a love story."
Addendum: What love looks like when you're immortal, or damn close to it, paired with a good dose of fairy/folk tale subversion, and a brief look at some of the more unsavoury bits of Japanese history. Yes, this is another case of me grabbing extremely minor characters off the streets of canon, and turning them into the stars of their own long and complicated lives. It's what I do.
My other fic,the far shorter, more conventional, and in a way cursedly more difficult to write Don't They Have Payphones Wherever You Were Last Night, still hasn't been posted, but as soon as it goes up on the comm, I'll link it here, so that all my fic can gather in the same place and play together. :D