Politics, voting, and such.

Jul 29, 2004 08:31

I have... an issue. A problem.

Not once, but twice, yes, T-W-O times the state of AZ has "lost my voter registration information." I have registered here (once online and once on paper), so that you know, maybe I could be a responsible, participating citizen. I even went so far as to register for a Maricopa county absentee ballot, yes 90 days before election day in AZ my freshman year at NAU. But no. Nothing ever came in the mail. Oh, wait. Something came in the mail. A letter explaining they'd lost my information and had therefore enclosed another registration form for me to fill out. The second time it came along with a separate message calling me for jury duty. NO LAURA, YOU MAY NOT VOTE. But you can be signed on for jury duty. Thanks. Fan-fucking-tastic. So don't give me shit for not participating, for I assure you it is not by choice. And really, I have gone beyond the call of duty by volunteering for Phil Gordon last summer before he was elected mayor. Obviously, I'm not supposed to live here... or I am meant to be a felon.

However, I will be trying again. Yes, I know it's almost too late, but I'm going to try again. With MTV, Ben and Jerry's, other various do-gooding corporations, and a barrage of famous wonderful shiny people encouraging me, even friends and family, enticing me with the idea that I have a voice, and a choice to express it. So, I will go and fill out the form again. I will fucking drive it to the office downtown and HAND it to someone, so I can watch them personally misplace it this time. And then, when or if I receive nothing or something telling me to try again, I will ... have to move. That, or commit a heinous crime, but I think probably just move.
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