And I was foolish to assume otherwise.

Jul 26, 2004 09:28

I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation as to why Ithaca's reslife won't let me and Lydia move in to the room next door, even after being informed that it is no longer taken by the people who had reserved it originally. I'm sure that I didn't get up six hours after going to bed just to call them "ASAP" like D said I should because surely they'd let us switch rooms. Surely there's a reason for all of this.

Me: Hi, I was wondering if it was possible for my roommate and me to switch to the room next door if it's open? The people who had it just informed me that they've gone elsewhere.
Reslife Guy: No.
Me: Thanks. *I'm about to hang up when I hear him talking again.*
RG: Where exactly is your guys's room right now?
Me: Hood.
Reslife: Hood, eh?
Me: Yes.
Reslife: Well, blahblahblah waitlist blah blah two weeks into the semester blah I don't care about your problems, even if you think the lovely corner room right next door to you might be empty because no one actually wants to live in Hood, as evidenced by my arrogant tone when you told me where you lived, we're only competent enough to follow one system here and there are no exceptions. Besides, we hate you. Thought you'd figure that out after last semester...
Me: Yeah. I was just wondering, that's all. Goodbye.
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