be warned: nerd alert

Jun 11, 2005 22:30

ok, so i've seen the newest (and last, whether or not that's unfortunate) star wars movie. it had romance, it had comedy, it had action, and it had drama...but was it actually any good? there were many parts that made all the nerd in me freak out, most of them involving original trilogy shout-outs and ewan mcgregor. but there were also many parts that made me think, maybe this wasn't the best idea. the problem is that good acting doesn't make up for a poorly written script. i know that all of the actors involved in this movie are very good at what they do, but it's hard to pull off saying the same thing over and over again and making it work (for example natalie portman giving a beautiful performance of terrible sadness, while forced to say "i don't know you anymore" and "you have changed" in every way possible before getting choked by the newly appointed sith lord). well, i know many people would probably disagree with me on this one but i've got a right to my opinions so here it goes. when darth vader is all suited up at the end and they bring him up all shackled to the table i thought, ok whatever, he's half machine so they had to help him stand up for the first time somehow. but when he's told of padme's death and goes all 'NOOOOOOOOOOO' (total ewan shout-out from episode 1) and breaks free like fricken frankenstein i wanted to just walk out. it was so unbelievable for me to see darth vader like that. they could have at least highered his voice a little, or not made is so teeeerrrribly dramatic. to me, it just came off as cheesy. ok, i'm done being a nerd for one night...that's totally not true, but i can pretend!
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