Dec 21, 2004 01:07
I had a bouncy ball and some push pins. now i have a bouncy ball with push pins stuck in it.
Does anyone want a rat or know someone who wants a rat?
My new phone is really pretty, but i became so accostumed to my old phone.
I am done christmas shopping! almost...
My parents picked the most pathetic tree in the tri-state area, and they think it's the best tree ever.
Just because a cat has flea dirt on her, doesn't mean she has fleas...take that vet!
My grandfather is now a great grandfather, and my second cousin/whatever you call it's name is ty jacob.
That poor poor child.
I know everything that tim is getting for christmas and i'm not telling him a thing, ha!
The last thing i wanna do over break is work at the conference center. the things i do for money...
It's gonna take a miracle for me to not spend all of my money while i'm home. **lauren, you must save. save your money lauren. don't spend it all like a fool, even though you are a fool.**
I can't believe that it's christmas already, WTF MATE?!?!