so. last night.
leigh and i met at the train station at 6, we took the train into the city, where we walked maybe 2 blocks and took the bus to halsted. we instantly saw everyone, there were signs and flyers and candles and this mass of amazing people. i got a candle and lit it for matthew. there were some awesome speakers, and then we all began the march through boystown, and let me saw, it was so fucking amazing. you have no idea. there were signs and candles and marching and chanting and cheers. wow.
some of the chants went as follows:
hey hey, ho ho, homophobia has got to go
gay, straight, black, white, equal marriage is our right
what do we want? equal marriage! when do we want it? NOW!
and a bunch of others. it was so amazing marching down the streets and having people honking their horns in approval, seeing people leaning out of their apartment windows cheering us on, people on the streets clapping and cheering for us. its such a brilliant thing to see so many different people united for the same cause: equality. equal marriage is a human right, and if you dont support gay marriage, then dont have one! but dont let your religion or closeminded bigotry infringe on my, as well as many other americans rights.
i am not a second class citizen.
and now, its picture time. some may be hard to see since it was dark.