Aug 22, 2004 23:02
i fucking hate you right now, steven.
yeah, thats right, i DID pick Eric over you. and either way would have been a shitty decision aparently. and who was it that picked julie over me a year ago? oh yeah, that was you, wasnt it? you felt "obligated" right?
and wasnt it you who bitched and moaned for 2 fucking months WHILE I WAS DATING ERIC and saying how you wanted your chance and you didnt want the cycle to go on anymore, making yourself sound like the guy who's hopelessly in love with their best friends in all those dumb movies. yeah. right. you and eric were BOTH full of bullshit.
who was it that was way too fucking busy 'making fun' of the drunk girls next door to talk to your "best friend" when she was having one of the shittiest days she's had in a while? yes, you guessed it, it was YOU.
but wait, who was it that continues to waste their time waiting around? me. dating eric was a shitty decision. and waiting around for you was even shittier.
i take back all those times i said "i love you too."
because lets not shit outselves steve, you love yourself more that you ever loved me.
so i hope you're happy with yourself and with how much of a dick you've been tonight. i hope you're happy that you made me cry.
and have fun with the drunken whores.
best friends means you get what you deserve.