stolen from sweetrevenge

May 10, 2005 14:04

Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion meme thinks I might be interested in
1. writing score: 15
2. love score: 11
3. sex score: 10
4. afi score: 9
5. movies score: 9
6. friends score: 9
7. kissing score: 8
8. honesty score: 7
9. fight club score: 7
10. poetry score: 7
11. thursday score: 6
12. dvds score: 6
13. vampires score: 6
14. painting score: 6
15. sleeping score: 6
16. snowboarding score: 5
17. pictures score: 5
18. drawing score: 5
19. taking back sunday score: 5
20. making out score: 5

coded by ixwin
Find out more

first of all, i hate AFI and Taking Back Sunday. I don't want to be interested in sex. i don't want people adding me just because i have sex on my interest list. thats annoying.
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