Yesterday was an ungood day for revisions. I just could not concentrate and managed only a page which will likely need redone. The trouble lies in the dreaded area of Cause and Effect. Things can't happen in the story just when and because I say so. Well they can, but...yanno? I don't want
crevette critiquing my
self-published howler in her blog a couple of years from now I need to aim higher than because I say so.
Otherwise, it was an excellent day, and I have no idea why. Almost everyone I know is depressed, stressed, and living on the brink of their own or a loved one's emotional and/or financial meltdown, yet I was okay. We're ok. We have each other, groceries in the cupboard, a little gas in the tank. Ok, so we're broke after my soup spree, but who cares?
Eat soup, snuggle an old dog, be content.
There's a lot of negativity lately in(my admittedly small and largely unpublished) writing circles about what effect the current economic trends will have on the (already allegedly abysmal) chances of being published. This stuff is hard to listen to. My resistance to Gloom and Doom is usually low. But yesterday I'm all...Just write it. If writing makes you happy, write. If it's any good, someone will buy it and that'll be gravy.
But if you're only doing it as an excuse to avoid getting a job, or if writing makes you unhappy, for the love of all that is holy, STOP. Feed the creative crone with something else, like crochet or web design or building model airplanes. Or learn to drop fries at Steak 'n Shake, where you're at least guaranteed a paycheck.
Anyhow, yeah...a good day. And today I thought to look out the upstairs bathroom window where there are other cars with frost on them so I can assume I need to allow the extra time for scraping, which I really don't mind, especially if it means buh-bye ragweed.
So to all the people who are curently having terrible horrible no good very bad days, I am sorry for all of life's suckage. I hope you find your very own soup, snuggles, and contentment, immediately if not sooner.