Sep 27, 2008 12:46
Today's mission: Character Interviews. Well, and a load of laundry or two. And dishes. Dinner. The usual.
I can't find a single pen I don't hate in this house. That would be because Zor has taken all my best pens to school and used them up or set them free. Whose big idea was it to buy these fine line pieces of crap? They make a subtle scritchy sound when they write, and I can feel the drag. I want fat fast pens! That make bold lines that are easy to read even without my glasses. But not markers. They have all the bold you could want, but they sort of slorsh across the paper like the Blob across Dowingtown.
I could go get some new pens, but I have a really gravy parking space right now and I hate to give it up. You'd think I live downtown in some big city what with all the parking drama. Yes, I parked beside your curb. Take a GrownUp Pill and deal with it.
Which is sort of what I need to do with regard to pens I don't like.