+ I’m breaking my unexpected LJ silence, firstly, for this:
Because the boys are pretty, and so are girls, and we all need a little more het in our fandom lives.
+ Secondly, I’ll be back to regularly posting eventually. My life it just kind of in limbo land at the moment. I’ve been trying to write (not going so well, but going), studying for the SATs, (which the study guide totally makes me feel super inadequate for four-year-college because I have no extra-curriculars, or recommendation letters, or anything like a normal high school to college student has :|). And my car is broken, and we don't have the money to get the work it needs done (but we have the parts, because dad tried to fix it himself, but Asian cars are not his specialty), so I can't practice driving, unless I want to in the Jeep, but the Jeep is scary and I'll miss Betty. I’ve also been sort of working (mostly daily babysitting for my cousin, who pays me), so I’ve been semi-busy, and mostly stressed and emo, and now to top it all off, sick. I just don’t want to this place to be where I leave all my Debbie Downer-ness, but I feel bad just disappearing for weeks, then coming back, then disappearing again. So once I figure myself out, I’ll be back.
+ P.S. Really, join the exchange. It’ll be very happy making and a lot of fun :P