It has been a very long, interesting day. While I was finishing up the last post, a guy who was sleeping at the school computers became belligerent when he was told to leave and a bunch of cops came and the scene escalated into shouting and harasment on both parts. I left, so I didn't see how things were "resolved" and then realized that I left my bag there, so I went back for it they were all gone. Then I went to the printmaking lab and started to work on the prints, but as I was rinsing the fourth one the power went out. Rolling blackouts? It was so freakin' hot I wouldn't be surprised. I couldn't find anything in the dark room since it was pitch black, though I even tried using my cell phone to light my path, so I tried to work on some other stuff in the dim room lights until someone came and said they had to shut down the building due to "safety risks" so I cleaned everything up, which took almost half an hour. Then just as I was walking out the door the lights came back on. There was cheering heard from the whole campus (with some booing, since many were happy for the excuse to lay out on the grass) and everyone in the room turned around and got back to work. I was a too irritated after cleaning up all my supplies everything and cramming everything in my tiny locker, so I made my exit feeling somewhat defeated.
At home I was steaming broccoli and apparently didn't put enough water in the bottom because I smelled something weird and lifted the pot to see strange metallic stalagmite formations on the burner from the melted bottom of the pot. Horrified and humiliated I cleaned it up before anyone else saw (though Peter will never let it go, I'll bet!) and there was a cool metal blob under the burner compartment that looks like a squashed silver hershey's kiss. I love it. Its my new favorite paper weight! Even though I am reminded of my error every time I glance at it... Well I guess I shouldn't feel too bad, it's my first kitchen disaster in years, besides burning the occasional piece of toast.
I also read that there was a
shipwreck visible on Ocean Beach today! Hopefully I will see it pop up again next time I get a chance to go over there.