Diary Entry 4

May 06, 2006 20:39

Diary Entry for Saturday, October 8th.

Diary DEAR! light of mine eyes, ears, mouth etc,

Well what a pleasant week. That's the word for it. Pleasant. Hung about the Owlery for far longer than should be healthy. Really THOSE BIRDS ARE MAD. What with their molting and DROPPINGS I am shocked at the upkeep really and they're not even FRIENDLY. Full up school like this, least you expect is friendly bleeding birds.

Very satisfactory all in all. Got things done etc etc. Classes PAH. Who needs them? Kilpatrick can keep her stupid loafing teddy bears and play tiddlywinks with them for all I care. Really. I bet they molt too. In their free time. Nevermind they haven't the feathers THEY'VE GROWN THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE THAT RIDICULOUS. Pshaw.

(charmed for people who won't get unduly upset by such events, YOU know)

The Gryffindor Common room is looking up these days. Rather nice change of decor I think.

...Hope that Cohen boy doesn't weep all over Lovey, it took me near 10 minutes to snatch that scarf!

Oh and Preeeeston, your idea worked louds and MOUNDS of wonders, by the by.


I think I shall have some biscuits.

Most adoring and much sweeping of forelocks,

week-005, diary entries

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