Diary Entry

Mar 03, 2006 18:00

(Uncharmed and laid out open in the Slytherin common room)

Entry for Wednesday September 7th, 2005.

Diary diary diary,

Hogwarts is the same, really, but less so. Third year is a'right so far, Care of Magical Creatures is divine, I say, carpe diem and all that. The dear furry nifflers are so dear dear deary dear. Too bad I lost mine, ah, but c'est la vie. Divination is also a packle of easiness, esp. since the professor believes anything and I do mean anything. Dusty globes and chipped tea cups do not a future make, but it is fun! so ha!

I composed a sonnet for Emilia. I think it is rather superb, and I shall singeth it forevermore. It rhymes and has iambs... among other things. It is dear sweet lovely.

And the Quidditch team! I've gotten on! As a beeeeaaater and I shall beateth the mudbloods the naughty naughty bludgers. Naughty.

We're having scones for breakfast and I'm making a scone fort. Not a silly babyish one, my scone fort is going to have fortifications and battlements and bloody snipers, for Merlin's sake! Nargh!

Love you and forever yours,
Ophelia Ballard.

diary entries, week-001

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