the zombie dream I knew I'd have

May 23, 2007 06:04

So, against my better judgment, I watched 28 Weeks Later last night.  I was pretty sure that watching it and then trying to sleep alone would fuel a night of crazy zombie dreams but I watched it anyway, and I was right.

I dreamed that the Rage Virus from the movie was not really a virus, but a drug.  It was something that could be used recreationally with great caution, but would take hold readily and was highly addictive, making it incredibly dangerous to experiment with.  I, in all my great wisdom, tried the drug, as did many of my friends including Kyle, Brendan, and Jere.  The feeling was incredible.  It was exhilarating, made you feel powerful and very very happy, but a little crazed.  I had the feeling of barely retaining my sanity, and the urge to run crazily was hard to contain.  Fortunately, I'd kept my dosage low and was starting to feel at least somewhat normal, when Kristyn and I had visitors.  Kristyn, Alex, and I were in my bedroom.  Neither Kristyn nor Alex had chosen to partake, which I, since coming down, felt was a very wise decision.  The visitors were Kyle, Lee, and possibly others.  Kyle had tried the drug, and it was evident that the rage was likely to set in.  Kyle would probably become one of the raging bloody killers, like so many of the people outside were becoming.  He was addicted and Lee, being such a good friend, was convinced that he would be ok if he could keep Kyle from giving in to the rage, and if he could keep the drug away from him.  So he dropped pieces of the drug, which was marijuana-like, but more sinister looking, into my carpet (which was decidedly more shaggy and capable of holding things than it is in reality), and left, taking Kyle with him.  I wondered if Kyle would be ok, or if he'd turn into one of them. I also wondered what it was becoming like outside.  Kristyn told me that we had to keep the cops out of my bedroom, since the drug was hidden in the carpet.

I'm a little fuzzy on how the rest occured, but at some point I found myself outside (perhaps in an effort to lure away the police?), and I ran into Jere.  At this point the people outside were dangerous looking, but most of them weren't "rageaholics" (the term I gave them in the dream - obviously stolen from The Simpsons) yet.  Many of them looked like they'd like to bite you, but were still easily dissuaded as the drug had not fully taken hold.  It was possible to tell when someone was going to "peak", and if they'd done enough for long enough, and if the drug had worn away at their constitution enough, then they'd "turn" and become one of them.  When I ran into Jere he looked like he might be almost there.  He still appeared to be having a good time, but I wasn't sure what his prognosis might be.  I left him to his "fun" (which for him, it still was), and went home.

Brendan was there, and he was high on the drug.  He hadn't peaked, and it was evident that he probably hadn't gotten high enough, and if we could keep him away from the other users, then he'd likely be alright.  He was upstairs with Kristyn, Alex, and I, when we heard "them" downstairs at the door.  "They're getting in!", I said, which was a big problem, as many of the users had turned, and we were now facing a full-on rageaholic/zombie attack.  I guess the idea of slow zombies is cemented in my subconscious, since "they" were much slower and far less depraved (if that's possible, in zombies) than the infected in the movie.  This is probably fortunate, because this dream would have been a lot more terrifying had they been more like they were in the movie.  Anyway, Brendan thought he could run down to the door and lock it, since (in his drug-addled state) he'd forgotten to do so upon entering.  He did, but there were many outside the door, and somehow they were able to unlock it, and were persisting on entering.  Brendan ran outside, thinking he could distract them (it seemed like a bad plan to me, but he wasn't exactly sharing his crazy thoughts as he was clearly still in the grips of the drug, so we couldn't convince him not to), but when he came back he'd been bitten.  He sat at the top of my stairs, and I went to see the extent of the damage.  His leg, where he'd been bitten, was shaking so hard it seemed to be vibrating, and it was causing him to "turn".  I knew that Kristyn, Alex, and I were on our own.  He volunteered to try and keep them from entering.  As he tried, he ended up outside, and "they" came inside.

It was at this point that I woke up (thank goodness).

The dream has me a little shaken.  I have been sleeping very lightly, and have had several other dreams related to the movie, but they're too weird to explain and mostly consist of a feeling rather than something I can articulate.  Before I went to bed I read a great deal of Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix, thinking that I might dream about THAT instead of zombies/infected people.  I ended up just strangely combining the two into a terrible nightmarey night.  Ugh.  I think I'm going to be tired today.
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