I haz desktop.

Apr 20, 2010 01:38

Shamelessly stole this from snickerdoodles  .
A. Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun.

B. Post the picture in your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop just below it if you want. You can explain why you preferred such look or why is it full of icons. Things like that.

(click to enlarge)

My new Seth Green desktop that I made. And yes, I adore his short ass. Deal with it! xD 
He's so adorkable!!

You also may have noticed my DW icons =looove. and i have one music file on  my desktop, nothing special. As well as Kidulthood, which I still haven't had the time to watch.  If any wants a Seth desktop, let me know! loool!

desktop, hot guys, meme, i need a life

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