Let's talk about our ships!!

Aug 10, 2009 22:10

1. Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter)
2. Spock/Uhura (Star Trek)
3. Wash/Zoe (Firefly)
4. The Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)
5. Bruce/Selena (Batman)
6. Jess/Rory (Gilmore Girls)

7. Dick/Barb (Batman)
8. Willow/Oz (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
9. Allen/Djac (Robin Hood)

10. Tommy/Kat (Power Rangers)
11. Will/Djac (Robin Hood)
12. River/ The Doctor (Doctor Who)
13. Owen/Tosh (Torchwood)
14. Lana/Clark (Smallvill)
15. Dean/Jo (Supernatural)

16. Jack/Jenny (Doctor Who/Torchwood)
17.  River/Jayne (Firefly)

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Will/Djac)
     I think she's too old for him. There's a maturity about her that he still hasn't aquired. He's young, he probably hasn't really had a chance to fall in love or get his heart broken...it's like he still has time. Their romance never had me convinced, it felt like there wasn't really any substance to it or any kind of great story. I would have preffered to see her with Allen a Dale, there could've been a great storyline with them. Him being a criminal and the constant backstabber, but she brought him down a little and made him see what really mattered and why loyalty was so damn important.
Also, the actress is Indian. I have nothing against Indians, I have lots of Indian friends and about 60% of my uni is Indian. WHY does the tv industry think that you can use an Indian to play any kind of Middle-Eaterner? She's suppose to be Turkish. I know lots of Turks and have studied Turkish history, I know she looks nothing like them.

2. Who do you know that ships #13? (Owen/Tosh)
 Most of the Torchwood fans. I was bored by it, easily. So I just don't get into disscusions about it, cause it doesn't bother me I just don't really care about it.

3. What would be your ideal scenario for #3? (Wash/Zoe)
Well, since Joss Weadon is (let's face it), a crazy-ass murderer, Wash was killed in Serenity. So I would love for Zoe to have found out that she was pregnant afterwards. Because she wanted a baby, she wanted a piece of them together. And honestly, I think a baby would be the only thing that could save her from turning completley cold after his death.

4. What is your favorite moment for #1? (Ron/Hermione)
....I have to choose?! I love that ship way too much. I can do one from each book, yes?
PS/SS--> "Whatever house I'm in, I hope she's not!"
CoS--> The Mudblood scene.
PoA--> "It'll be ok, Hermione. You won't have to do it alone, I'll help"
GoF--> The Yule Ball and what happened because of it.
OotP--> Harry comparing them to Mr and Mrs Weasley in his mind.
HBP--> "Eer-my-nee"

5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Jess/Rory)
About three years now? Maybe more? Why can all be found here.

6. What's the story about #8? What made you stop caring? (Willow/Oz)
Relationships always had their ups and downs in the worlds of Buffy and Angel, and Willow and Oz were no exception.I was upset when he had to leae and Willow went of with Tara, not because I disliked the ship, just because I loved Oz so damnd much. And then I realized, that I loved Oz, and not necessarily Willow/Oz and I was upset cause a character I liked and wouldn't mind being with was semi-dumped. So I just got over it and hoped that Oz found his true love somewhere.

7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Spock/Uhura or The Doctor/Rose)
Doctor/Rose. No questions asked.  They had to go through so much crap to be together and are just too damn adorable for their own good!

8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
As much as I would love to say Tomm/Kat, I don't really feel the actual need to cause they did eventually break up. But River/The Doctor. Oh dear LORD how I hate this ship. I know people have come to accept River, even like her but...her character bugs me so much! And even though I really liked that actress on ER, she didn't really seem to generate any kind of chemistry with David Tennant. And most people now, I could watch a shit-storyline as long as the chemistry was fire-cracker worthy. So those two...meh, did absolutly nothing for me.

9. What interests you about #17? (River/Jayne)
I'm pretty sure that any Firefly fans are all going "whaaa???..you siccko!" but really, REALLY, you have to hear me out. It's all because of the fic, I blame the fic. I know Jayne is a crude, loudmouthed, backstabbing sonofabtich, and that River is the fragile, slightly creepy, very young, broken and generally innocent girl. But it works so well. The fic that won me ove was this one: Never a Normal Relationship. Any more recs needed or anyone want to talk about it, I will happily assist!

10. When did you start liking #7? (Dick /Barb, also known as Robin/Batgirl)
Guh, like since I was...seven or something. I just liked the young ones being together while Batman has his dark and mature love for Catwoman. And then I found out that even in the far, faar future, Dick and Barb never got back together. I was so epically depressed by the fact that I almost lost intrest in the entire fandom. ...Almost.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the series? (Allen/Djac)
Honestly? Yes. I really loved the idea of the two of them together. And it's not like there weren't any hints towards it..but she made her choice. So yeah, between that and the fact that they're changing Robin Hood with someone from Eastenders? Definitly lost intrest.

12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Bruce/Selena, aka Batman and Catwoman)
Oil and Water by Incubus. 
"We've been dancing on a volcano
And we've been crying, crying, crying
Over blackened souls
Babe, this wouldn't be the first time
It will not be the last time
There is no parasol that can shelter this weather"

13. Which of these ships do you love the most right now?
I think it still has to be Ron and Hermione, from the books. They have such a special place in my heart.

14. Which do you dislike the most?
You telling me you couldn't tell from all the ranting up there?

15. If you could have any of these pairings double date, who would they be? (#3Wash/Zoe and #4The Doctor/Rose)
Cause I would laugh so damn hard, people in England would feel the waves my bellowing would create.

16. Have #2 Kissed yet? Elaborate if yes. (Spock/Uhura)
Not in the origional series (which actually when I got interested in them), but twice in the movie. First time was so sweet and caring, selfless and so very private. Second time was hot and a little more passionate. Both were made of epic win.

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? Do you think it's likely? (The Doctor/Rose)
Bittersweet happy, but happy non the less. I went through a looong and very fangirlsh explaination in my review of the final episode for series four.

18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Lana/Clark)
...I can't think of a single thing. Lana is one of those characters that was made up and I still have no idea what purpose she has surved, except to bug me.

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (#2 Spock/Uhura or#6Jess/Rory)
I'm going to be a cheat and say this; since #2 already HAS happened than I can't use it. So I'll go for Jess/Rory ;P  9I know, I know, my cleverness ASTOUNDS you all!)

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Tommy/Kat)
Lol, omg, I would have Kat DIAF. LMAO! But not really. 
No, I would actually have Kat be the one to tell Tommy to man up and get his ass back together with Kim, cause really? He was just moaping around without her.

harry potter, otp, ships, hot guys, love, firefly, doctor who, meme

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