Man I feel like I'm setting myself up for the slaughter.
Sometimes it's okay to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same. If you write fic,please do it.
Like I said, the slaughterhouse. I'll play, but be warned none of my work is beta-ed.
Regenration: Mortal. Very, very proud of this one. After watching the series 4 finale I'd honostely wondered if RTD had been reading my fic. Only, mine has a happier ending. I'd posted it when the rumours that David was leaving right after S3, and I wrote in the summery "My tribute to David as our Doctor". So I guess that works for now.
2012. My first DW fic, written on a whim. I really loved the idea of the Doctor going back to watch himself for a day, and so did my readers it would seem. The summery "Martha asks to go see the Olympics. The Doctor takes her, but doesn't join her. He goes for his own reasons. To watch a day in his own past"
In Death He was Small. I was trying to recover from my shock after finishing the last Harry Potter book. And for some reason, the scene that jumped out at me, was Wood (whom I love) taking Colin's body back into the Castle. The summery :' "You know what? I can manage him alone, Neville". Oliver carries a body of a young boy back into the castle and reflects.'
Human laws of Gallifrey I'm rather fond of this one. I am one of those fans who thinks that the Doctor really could be part human, so I wrote about a character we don't usually hear much about ...the Doctor's father. The summery: "The Human ban on Gallifrey had a lot more to do with the Doctor than even he knew. Why and when the decision was made."
5. Chapter Four of
Never Alone in This: I do love it, though others didn't get it very much. It was set during the last days of the Year that Never was and about how other companions helped spread the word about the Doctor. And this chapter, was Jo's story. Her, her son and his step-father. Mike Yates. Because really, there just isn't enough Mike/Jo fic out there.