out of boredom

Apr 09, 2003 22:44

[Name] melissa
[Nicknames, missy, ophelia rose, mookie, pineapple (from one of the residents at work)
[Screen name] ophelia rose80
[Birthday] 10/23/80
[Age] 22
[Astrological sign?] libra scorpio cusp
[Chinese zodiac sign?] Monkey. Shut up.
[Location] Allentown-ish, PA.
[Sexual Preference] lesbian
[Marital Status] Committed relationship.
[Religion] None. spiritual, but nothing organized
[Current Hair color/length] blonde, curly, short ish
[Eye color... brown/green ish
[Height] 5'2
[Weight] hahaha movin on....
[Shoe size] 8ish.
[Parents still together?] not.
[ Siblings? ] none
[ Nieces/Nephews? ] zero
[ Kids of your own? ] Nope.
[ Grandkids? ] Uh, no.
[ Pets?] A cat, some fish
[ In school/graduated? ] college degree
[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ] rent
[ What do you do for work? ] activity coordinator, nursing home
[ How much do you make? ] not enough, trust me
[ Have any credit cards? ] one
[ What do you drive? ] people crazy, and a ford taurus
[ Color] silver, blue
[ Number ] 8
[ Animal ] Cats, bunnies, cute dogs, fish.
[ Vehicle ] depends
[ Flower ] Roses, tiger lilly
[ Scent ] b&bw stuff- green clover&aloe, ginger, gardenia.
[ Shape ] Stars?
[ Drinks ] TAOTINI'S, mojitos (sp?), corona, iced tea, lemonaide
[ Soda ] diet coke.
[Book ] too many..currently reading "The Hours"
[ Author ] Willian Shakespeare, Anne Lamott, Wally Lamb, ect...
[ Band ] varies. always different.
[ Song ] Varies CONSTANTLY.
Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] a little
[ Twirl your hair? ] sometimes.
[ Have tattoos? ] one
[ Piercings? ] just ears a few times. used to have eyebrow and belly button
[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? ] girlfriend.
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] N/a. I guess I used to though
[ Drink/Smoke? ] yesssssss...right ladies?
[ Like roller coasters? ] a big fat hell no.
[ Wish you could live somewhere else? ] often.
[ Want more piercings? ] maybe someday
[ Like cleaning? ] Sometimes. when i am in my strange cleaning mode
[ Write in cursive or print? ] Both.
[ Carry a donor card? ] My license says I'm a donor.
[ Swear a lot? ] fuck yeah.
[ Own a web cam? ] Yes.
[ Know how to drive? ] yes yes
[ Diet? ] No. I wish I could. I can't ever follow one.
[ Own a cell phone? ] yes
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] Not often. when I have to I guess
[ Hablar Espanol? ] un poco. tengo una fiesta en mis pantalones.........
Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket?] Nope.
[ DUI? ] Nope.
[ Been in a wreck? ] Nothing serious. not with me driving.
[ Been arrested? ] hell no
[ Been in a fist fight? ] Sort of.
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] Not on purpose. I kneed a guy in the nuts on accident ..LOL
[ Stolen a car? ] HELL NO. witnessed a car get stolen, though. heard loud noise in middle of night, ran to window to see friend's car missing
[ Stolen anything? ] Sure. if lip gloss counts...
[ Held a gun? ] um. no. don't want to either.
[ Smoked? ] Yes.
[ Pot? ] frequently.
[ Crack? ] oh hell no.
[ Drink? ] Yep.
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ] No. not that bad but very very very drunk at TAO several nights. couldnt walk and spilled champagne on girlfriend.
[ Considered a life of crime? ] no, for what? don't feel like living in jail.
[ Considered being a hooker? ] goodness no. couldn't even pull it off it I wanted to.
[ Cheated on someone? ] Yes. once or twice
[ Been married? ] No.
[ Cried over a girl? ] Yes.
[ Cried over a boy? ] Yes.
[ Lied to someone? ] Sure.
[ Been in love? ] Very much so.
[ Had sex outdoors? ] Yes.
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] maybe once or twice...
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] Sure.
[ Been rejected? ] Who hasn't?
[ Been in lust? ] Oh yes.
[ Used someone? ] Yeah I guess so, but it wasn't that harsh.
[ Been used? ] Yes. many a time, suckers!
[ Been cheated on? ] Yes.
[ Been kissed? ] Many times.
[ Experimented with homosexuality? ] DUH.
[ Tried to kill yourself? ] No way.

well that was fun...and Danni is here so ~
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