Awake Again

Dec 15, 2005 00:01

Yeah, so laying in bed awake for 2 hours does not cause drowsiness. So frustrating. It's not like me to not be able to sleep.
In an attempt to keep my livejournal relatively interesting I thought I'd hop on line and address some topic of interest...

...nothing. I've got nothing. I'm wide awake and have nothing to say.

We're due for our "yearly bonuses" at work tomorrow. That's when the "big-wigs" of the company go around to every store and shake hands with all of the employees. Very condescending. Especially when one particular "big-wig" promptly takes out a handkerchief to wipe his hands off with after shaking hands. I should shake hands, then bust out a wet-nap or something. Then mention how much we appreciate having our hours cut this time of year, you know, during the holidays, and when bills are generally higher (that pesky little "having to keep the heat on" thing). Then ask him what his house looks like and tell him how much I appreciate working for a company for 8 years and still don't clear 30 grand a year, and how I'd love to buy a house.

Enough bitterness for one night. I'm in a bad funk or something.

Okay, how's about a survey, courtesy of blank___surveys.

1. When you have zits, do you pop them or leave them alone?
~Well, I'm not going to show up at work with a giant white-head on my chin.
2. Do you like the taste of alcohol?
~Rubbing alcohol? Never tried it. Liquor? Hells yeah.
3. Do you read in the bathroom?
4. Do you prefer to sleep alone or with someone else?
~Alone. I'm kind of a bed hog. Now, if I actually had someone to sleep with? Maybe.
5. Do you have any plans made for any upcoming events? If so, what and when?
~Just the usual family and friends things for Chrimmus.
6. Do you wash your hair or body first in the shower?
~Hair first so that the conditioner can stay in while I suds up the body. Is this making you hot?
7. What do you do when you first wake up?
~Hit the snooze button.
8. Do you prefer to sleep when you're hot, or cold?
~Cold, I can't sleep if it's hot.
9. What one singer/band can you not stand whatsoever?
~Babs. I absolutely loathe Streisand. Blech!
10. What do you want for Christmas?
~Well, since you asked.
11. When you see someone cry, does it make you want to cry also?
~Not usually. Okay, yeah.
12. If you could marry anybody, who would you marry and why?
~Charlize Theron, you seriously need to know why? Okay:

She's the human equivalent to a Scrumdiliumptious Bar.
13. Do you like being asked random questions?
14. What cereal did you eat most as a kid?
~No idea. I currently have a particular fondness for Fruity Pebbles, Cookie Crisp, Raisin Bran, Crunch Berries, Peanut Butter Crunch, and Honey Combs. But I rarely eat cereal.
15. Two months from now, do you think your life will be different than it is now? In what ways?
~Yeah, I think I'll be living in a new apartment. And I plan on winning the lottery. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.
16. What about six months from now?
~I'll be spending my lottery winnings in Italy. You want me to bring you back anything?
17. If you had twins, a boy and a girl, what would their names be?
~Right this second? Well first I'd freak out because "it's been a while", call 911, call my mom and tell her I've got either two antichrists or two messiahs and bring a priest (but with my luck it would be one of each--talk about sibling rivalry). Then probably name them Aidan and Nadia, because I hate rhyming twin names, but I like the way Aidan and Nadia are the same name backwards.
18. What surveys do you like to fill out the most?
~Huh? I don't know. The kind that pay me.
19. Do you hate it when people ask you why you're mad when you're not at all?
~Only if they persist in asking me after I've already stated that I'm not.
20. Think of one person you care about. What question would you ask them if you could ask them anything right now?
~Wanna go get some pie?

BTW, I screwed up somehow when I almost finished this post, and accidentally deleted it, then I had to start all over. So I'm successfully sleepy, and it's officially 1:30 AM.

what do you meme?, nothing of significance, sleep deprivation, work

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