7 Minutes of Panic and Stress...

Aug 10, 2010 17:32

I just took the online shelving test for a part-time job at the library.  If you don't finish the test in under 12 minutes, they basically don't call you back for an interview...unless they can't find anyone in the "under 12" group, then if you're within 12-15 minutes they might call you in.  There's only 4 questions, having you put titles in order according to the Dewey Decimal system, and alphabetization according to author, then title (excluding "the" "an" and "A").  Anywho, there's also a countdown on the screen, for added stress.  My frustration was that suddenly I started to worry that I'd lose wifi, of that I wasn't clicking the arrows fast enough to put everything in order.  I wasn't worried at all about the order I put everything in.  Until I finished and saw that I still had 5.5 minutes left on the clock, then I was all, "what did I do wrong?"

Oh well, we'll see what happens.  Maybe I passed the test and might get a library job that could eventually help me branch away from the food service industry, or get me another $500 a month at the very least.  Unless I didn't get the job, in which case I'll just make a better effort to find another part-time job.

My new closet organizer looks groovy.  I like it.  Now I need to get motivated to move furniture around, clean off dusty cobwebs, tape off the trim, and cover the floor to prepare for painting.  It's still early, and if I get that stuff done tonight I'll be much more motivated tomorrow to paint and finish the room.  The colors I picked are a little brighter than I thought they'd be, but I'm goig to forge ahead, undaunted, and if it's still too bright when it's done, then I'll just get a linen color to colorwash the walls with and tone it down.  The colors I picked are Behr's Desert Caravan (300D-5) and Honey Bird (300-B-5) in a satin finish.  I plan to give the wall a parchment look, so if it's too dark the colorwash effect with a lighter color will blend just fine.

Also, I went to the dentist today to get the space checked out where they pulled the molar last september, and it basically couldn't be more perfect for a titanium post/crown.  It healed really well, and my teeth are lined up just right that it looks like there won't be any issues.

projects, dentist, productive, work

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