
Oct 22, 2008 20:52 I have finally finished the Twilight series.  And I must say...the level of depth and independence that Stephanie Meyer had been trying to express in Bella throughout the books, well, she finally nailed it in the last book.  I officially like Bella.  Jacob Black is still my favorite character, though.  It's a bad boy thing...could be a pedo thing considering my tastes these days.  Never warmed up much to Edward.  Bit of an overly dramatic nancy-boy.

I took a quiz somewhere "what Twilight character are you" (I couldn't resist) and apparently I'm Jasper.  I didn't get the chance to see what it said about it though, because so many popup windows popped up that I was trying to close them all out and I closed the results window, too.  I'm assuming that it probably stated that Jasper is witty, funny, intelligent, good know, all kinds of "me" stuff. ;)

Also...OMG, I love True Blood.  Getting started on that series real soon here.  I've heard how it would seem Stephanie Meyer took a lot of inspiration for Twilight from the Sookie Stackhouse series...I'm having a hard time seeing it in the show though...I'll have to get started on the books.  Maybe it's the whole "sensible mortal girl" vs "gentlemanly good vampire" thing?

Oh yeah, and I totally want to make uppity babies with a purely artificial insemination kinda way.


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