
Oct 04, 2008 22:13

So mom gets a call from her optometrist on Tuesday, telling her that they have an opening on Wednesday if she wanted to get her cataract surgery done sooner. So Wednesday, my mom has an appointment at 12:30, and has convinced herself that they like you to get there 10 minutes early...and I don't really know why. So she wants to leave at get somewhere that's 20 minutes away. Anywho, we get there at around noon, she checks in, they take her vitals and we wait. (I hate Madigan, by the way.) We wait. 3 hours later they call us in to get her changed and ready for the surgery.

Then my mom asks the nurse how much longer it'll be until she's seen...the nurse goes around to the other side of the curtain, asks the doctor how much longer the wait will be, and the doctor says, "2 to 4 hours."
The nurse says, "That's what you want me to tell her?" 
And he says, "Nah, tell her a half hour to an hour."

Meanwhile, I can hear all of this...and I say, rather loudly, but not yelling, "I can hear you."

Unbeknownst to us, that was the doctor of the lady next to us who had apparently asked the same question.  I couldn't help myself.  When the doctor walked over and told her it would be a half hour to an hour, I coughed, "2 to 4!  2 to 4!"

It was ridiculous, I'm pretty sure they didn't hear me, but it got me and my mom laughing at least.

Anywho, the procedure was only supposed to last around a half hour...we got out of there around 6.

I really can't stand Madigan.  I grew up going there, and having to deal with the long waits.  On the outside, in civilian hospitals, I'm generally seen within 15 minutes of my appointment.  3 hours is abysmal.

Most importantly, my mom's cataract was removed successfully, and she's amazed at the difference between the sight in her right and left eyes.  In a few weeks, she'll need to go back and have the other eye done.  But her vision, and she's worn glasses since she was 5 years old, is perfect...except she'll still need reading glasses.  She was hoping to qualify for laser surgery, but with the results of the cataract surgery, she won't need it.  I think that's super cool!!!

On Thursday, we went back on base to get the eye checked out and that is when it was brought to my attention that my license was expired! birthday was last February!!!  =O

We switched drivers, and they didn't give me a ticket.  After the appointment, we went to lunch and then to the DMV where I got in and out of there in record time.

I hate my new picture.  =(

Oh all that waiting at the hospital, I was able to finish Twilight.  From the meadow scene to the end.  I started liking it around chapter 14.  There was another lady in the waiting room that was reading it, she was 3 chapters in.  I looked up and she made eye contact with me and held her book up.  ROFL  She asked how I liked it, and I was honest, I told her that I don't like Stephanie Meyer's writing style.  She then agreed and said that it's a little hard to follow.  Um...not it isn't, but okay.   I also told her that a lot of people whose opinions I trust and respect really love the book, so I was giving it a shot.  4 hours later we were standing at the snack machine and I told her that finally around chapter 14 I got really interested in the book.  What cracked me up was that at least 3 other people stopped me to tell me that they loved that book, or that it was next on their reading list.  Um...these are medical professionals...I'm a little concerned here.

I'm now reading New Moon, and I kind of like it, too...but Bella could stand to be a little more grateful that so many individuals love her enough to want to make her birthday special.  I don't like her character at all.

day-to-day, vacation, review

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