momentous occasions

Mar 16, 2007 00:25

I just bought my very first business suit today. Well, to be perfectly honest my lovely parents bought me my first suit today. Who knew suits could cost so damn much?! But I need one for any upcoming interviews after I graduate, which, if all goes will will be at the end of May. I got a lovely black Calvin Klein pants suit and an additional skirt of the same material to change things up a little. I don't even want to mention how much it cost. It's too depressing. Much love out to my supportive parents who are happy to let me do whatever I think best for myself.
But, man, a suit. Somehow it feels like my cheesy gothic-as-fuck-Hot-Topic-shopping days are done. I should be happy about this but I think I'll really miss those days. Well, maybe not the Hot Topic part (there are so many better clothing companies out there!) but the days where I could roll out of bed and throw on whatever I damn well felt like, be it a corset, cloak, and pyramid heels or ripped fishnets, a plaid skirt, and a vaguely obsure band tee I liked. Soon to come are the days of boring business suits and absolutely no creativity. Welcome to the real world. *sigh*

shopping, family, work

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