Yesterday was a really bad day...

Jan 15, 2007 08:22

Well, it started off good as I got to spend some time with the best friend but then as the afternoon wore off I got a horrendous headache which left me unable to do even the most simplest of tasks. I hate these headaches. I get them once or twice a year usually - the last time being the last day of AX last year, July 4th - and they knock me out so I'm grumpy, tired, nauseous, with a pounding headache and this time additionally still dealing with teeth pain from my oral surgery along with hunger as I still can't eat solid foods without pain. Damn you body! *shakes fist* It also meant I couldn't drive home with Naga Mii last night (there was absolutely no way I could sit in a car that long without vomiting) so here I am still at my parent's house. Good thing today is a holiday and I have no work. Maybe I'll go back to sleep now....

anime, anime expo, headache, nagamii, operation, dentist

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