Mar 01, 2013 08:11
It’s my last day in Auckland. I fly back to DC later on this evening. What to say?
I’ve had a rather fun time here, bug bites aside. I got to go to Hobbiton, Rotorua, the Waitomo glowworm caves, Waiheke and Tiritiri Matangi islands, and took a ferry across the way to Devonport. I drank as many flat whites as I could and I enjoyed all the take-out sushi restaurants (even if they were more fusion than traditional). I ate as much fruit and veg as I could manage and I walked around in the warm summer sun whenever I could. I looked at the lovely ocean scenes and watched all the yachts and boats and people meandering around. I hunted for green stone pounamu necklaces as souvenirs (though I couldn’t get one for myself as they are meant to be bought for others) and sent a couple of postcards back to family. I curled up with housecat, a warm and friendly tri-colored calico named Holly and read a good majority of Michelle Sagara West’s Sun Sword series. I have a couple of chapters left to go which I will finish at the airport.
I also worked regular hours and answered phones and did admin stuff but that's not the fun part.
Coming back to DC will be hard. I love the weather even if I don't love to bugs. The people here are so much more friendly and welcoming and they are from all over the place! It's international but small in such a way that you are a welcome addition. However, I miss having my room with all of my stuff in it. I miss my friends and the events that I like going to. And I've got to admit that I miss the bustle of a big city. I think I like living in big cities. Auckland is too small for me. Hell, Melbourne felt too small for me. So I'll be happy to get back to that even if I'll miss the lovely views. I also have some good news waiting for me back home so these next couple of months are going to be interesting. I am looking forward to it and everything that this year will bring. Things are starting to look up!
washington d.c.,