Learning to improve myself.

Dec 17, 2012 21:05

This Cracked article got me thinking about skill sets. What can I do that is (potentially) interesting? What kind of skill(s) do I have? What might I want to do?
  • I can speak conversation-level Japanese.
    (I'm losing this skill slowly but surely as I no longer have anyone to speak Japanese to and while I wouldn't mind going back to Japan I don't want to live there anymore and it is not high on my priority list)
  • I can cook very basic Japanese foods
    (definitely something I want to work on; making curry, mapo-tofu, udon, and inari-zushi isn't really much by way of cooking)
  • I am artistically-inclined
    (I haven't really made much of anything outside of work in a very long time, though)
  • I can figure out a good variety of semi-precious stones
    (things like lapis and amethyst and jasper and blue lace agate though I wonder how useful that is)
  • I can figure my way around foreign countries
    (I figure this isn't much of a skill though, because I have no sense of direction, get nervous when outside my element, and eventually we all figure out where we need to go, right?)
  • I'm getting better at yoga to the point that I see myself as more intermediate than beginner
    ( for instance I can hold my crow pose for a short while though I'm nowhere near as flexible as I'd like. That's still a skill, right?)

So I guess I might be able to consider some these skills of mine. Looking into the future there are two things on my list that I want to get a bit better at; yoga and Japanese cooking. Though is yoga really a skill or more of a hobby, like reading? Hm. So I guess that leave Japanese food. I'm not going to call this a resolution but I think I would like to look into how I can make more Japanese food. I want to make good okonomiyaki and the basics of non-tofu sushi (starting with decent sushi rice). That could be a good skill that won't necessarily lead me to anywhere but a happy tummy. And I'm ok with that.

washington d.c., yoga, japan, food

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