Omedeto, I think...?

Mar 27, 2009 23:21

Hey, Miyavi is married and will be a daddy soon!! O____o;
Wow, well, congrats to the daddy-to-be and his wife, melody., on their nuptials.
I suppose I sort of put him in the Gackt and Yoshiki category of never getting married and being a playboy for a long time yet considering he's around my age!! Man, that makes me sad - not for Miyavi - but for the fact that so many people in Japan are married or will shortly be by the age of 25.
Well, regardless, all I can hope and wish for him is a wonderful marriage (even if it was a shotgun wedding) and an adorable little punk mohawk-wearing kiddie. Wow, well his life is certainly going to change. Good luck with everything and don't let your pessimistic and crazy fans get you down! I'll still support you regardless of what happens! I'm still a fan because I like you as a person and I like your music and your life decisions are your own. がんばって!!

miyavi, japan, visual kei

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