Rest in Peace Bettie Page

Dec 11, 2008 20:12

April 22, 1923 - December 11, 2008
While I'm not really into the whole pin-up thing I think Bettie Page was an amazingly free and liberated woman in a time when liberation was far from the minds of the general populous, at least as far as women were concerned. And yet, that was not what she set out to do - it was who she was.
"I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer. I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time. I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important. I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live."
Rest in peace, Bettie.

japan, quote, bettie page

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