h. Naoto event...

Apr 12, 2008 08:31

And I'm back home from the event.

My costume.

Helena and Allison looking super cute!!

Allison and myself.

All three.

A photo from the mini-fashion show.

I tried to get a picture of Kate but she walked so fast. Sorry Kate. I tried. ;_;
And that's all that came out..
Be fair warned that these images aren't small.
I had a rather fun evening though it reaffirmed my belief that I'm not super photogenic. Bummer. Anyway, the event was fun and I loved trying to have small-talk afterwards with super yummy food at the store after the show. Mmmmm. It was fun having Zack drag me over to talk to some of the band members which we spent the last bit of the evening talking to.
Also, I sort of figured out how to maybe use my new camera. Haha.
Thank you so much Kate for letting me know about this. You rock my socks!! <3 <3 <3

shinsaibashi, japan, h. naoto, gothic

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