One more school....

Feb 13, 2008 06:11

I've got one more school added to my schedule starting next week so that is one less day of sub teaching that I have to do. I'm down to only one day now! Yes!! But as the school year is coming to a close I now get to be stressed out about next years schedule and how much will I hate it (I hope this is not the case). Luckily I only have 4 kids classes until the next school year (April) which is astoundingly good for 4 days taken up. Usually I should have around 8 or so but I have made it a point to say how much I dislike the little tykes so lucky for me I have very few of those classes. Haha. Man, am I the worst teacher ever or what?!
It snowed again randomly today. I walked out into the bright, crisp winter air to go to a workshop and walked out to big chunks of white stuff blowing around me. Qua?! And then back to a bright, sunny, crisp winter day. Make up your bloody mind! Will there be snow or no?! Stupid winter weather! I miss California!

snow, japan, teaching

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