Dec 28, 2007 22:44
I just received a care package from my parents that was huuuuge! It was full of my favorite Trader Joe's goodies, Halls cough drops (which I still need, alas), one of my favorite jackets, a couple of books, my Firefly DVD set (which I asked them for), and the collector's edition of Serenity which I am now the proud owner of. Soooo happy. I totally will have a Firefly marathon in the days to come. Man, it's times like these that I miss you all! It would be so much more awesome to marathon it with friends at my side but, alas, not this time.
Also, my parents are awesome because they sent the box Priority mail, costing them a whopping $70!!! I was so mad at them for that (send it media mail! I don't care if it takes a month!!) but they said it was a belated Christmas gift and it really does feel like Christmas now. ^^
And as for later on tonight: Apparently Gilgamesh is playing nearby so I'm going to head to that. While I know nothing about Gilgamesh besides the fact that they played JRock Revolution Day 2 I still think I'll have a fun time. I need to get out of my apartment before I go stir crazy in here from all the rain outside and jrock is always a good way to do that. ^^
And to those at Das Bunker at this very moment: I hate you. No, not really, but I miss you guys and LA goth clubs so much!! Ah well. I'll make a trip home in August so I better see some of you guys there!
care package,
visual kei