I gots myself a laptop.

Nov 23, 2007 17:01

I found myself a lovely Sony VAIO CR. It's all pretty and "sangria" colored:

It was at an ok price - not horrible, but not great either - mostly because the VAIO I was originally going to buy at Office Depot only had the horrible colors left - pink and gold. Ugh!! Not going to happen! So I popped over to Best Buy and picked up a much better VAIO for only a couple hundred more so I am generally pleased but it was definitely not worth waking up at 5:30 am on Black Friday for. The VAIO I picked up was most assuredly not going to sell out today so it was sort of pointless to wait until the day after Thanksgiving to pick one up. Oh well. At least I have a decent laptop now...
As for anything else... This weekend will be utter hell. I am not looking forward to it!! And then only a couple more days and I am gone. Poof. My god, where has all the time gone?!!
To alleviate my stress I have a lovely double date set up tonight to go to the lovely Edison Bar for some drinks so I can be hungover at work tomorrow morning at 6am. I'm smart. Oh well. It's my only chance to hit this place up and I'm taking it!!

steampunk, los angeles, japan, drinks, computers, technology

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