May 31, 2004 02:33
3 hours of sleep before graduation.
went to bed around midnight friday night. woke up 3 times before 1:20. so i read for a little bit and tried again. slept until my dad woke us up, around ten.
we didn't leave for the city until after noon. which sucked, but we spent over four hours walking around the met. also walked some in central park, and a lot looking for a restaurant we could agree on. it wasn't pretty but we ended up at a great place.
didn't go to bed until late, again. around one. my family went back in to nyc this morning, went to ground zero and zabar's deli. i slept.
long drive home.
i have not cried. i did some on thursday. i've just felt really drained.
i am exhausted. have lots of packing stuff to go through.
my dog is howling. he must be dreaming. he's so cute. it's great to be with my dog.
anyways i am supposed to set up my cd-burner to the computer but it's not even recognizing that my sister's is installed so i have low hopes. and i really don't fucking want to. there are directions, they should hook it up themselves.
i had 52 e-mail messages and i will never get through my friends list. tiff finally read the e-mail i sent her but of course she didn't respond. why the fuck do i let her get to me? i couldn't stop thinking about her all weekend. i hope this goes away.
burner hooked up. i'm just leaving the cpu on the floor (instead of in the little cubby in the desk it fits into). blah.
i'm fucking exhausted. i should have worked less on unpacking/packing, and more on just sleeping. time to go take care of that.
tomorrow: finish the up/p of room stuff ... and PACK FOR CAMP!